Imagine a world without electronic goods? It seems that impossible even to think about that because we are so much dependent on these gadgets that seem incomplete without them. Life seems quite overpowered by these electronic goods that have completely overpowered our lives. Just take a moment off from your life to view the influence of our lives. Enter your kitchen to find the microwave oven, food processors that are an inevitable part of your kitchen. Then come to your living room, your television, home theatre system (if you have one), music system and so many other such goods like washing machine, DVD players and numerous other things.
Shopping is a procedure in which goods and services offered by the retailers are examined with the intent to buy or shop. An activity of purchasing some goods after proper selection is termed as shopping. Basically, it is considered as a leisure activity. In this recreational activity, one visits a range of stores while shopping in search of a desired or a suitable produce to buy.
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